Sunday, 9 June 2013

Array and Array Operations: PHP

Array creation:

To initialize an array in PHP:

$names_1  = array();   
To add value to that array:

$names_1[] = "Bob";   
$names_1[] = "Marley";
$names_1[] = "Alex";
$names_1[] = "David";

You can also construct an array as follows:

            $arr1 = array(10,30,10,20,50);
To print the created array:


Array operations:
To convert a string to array:

            You can use ‘explode’ to split an string with characters and add each element to array as below:

$names_2 = "Bob,Marley,Alex,David";
$names_3 = explode("," , $names_2);   //--> String to array
To convert a array to string:

            If you want to get the elements from the array, and convert it into a string with each array elements separated by a character [say coma ‘,’], then you can make use of PHP ‘implode’.

print(implode(",",$names_1));               //--> Array to string
To eliminate similar data/elements from an array (array_unique):

$arr1 = array(10,30,10,20,50);

$arr1 = array_unique($arr1);    //--> To eliminate similar data from the array
To sort and reverse sort an array (sort and rsort):

            sort($arr1);                               //--> To sort an array
            rsort($arr1);                             //--> To reverse-sort an array

To add/ concatenate two arrays (array_merge):
            $arr_1 = array(10,30,10,20,50);
            $arr_2 = array("Leon","CEO",41);
            $arr_3 = array_merge($arr_1,$arr_2);  //--> To concatenate 2 arrays

To get index key of an array as an array:

$arr_4 = array("name"=>" Leon ","destination"=>"CEO","age"=>41);
            print_r($arr_4);                        //--> Array with key index
            print_r(array_keys($arr_4));     //--> To get the index keys as an array

To check whether an element is in an array:

            $arr_5 = array("apple","orange","mango","grape","peach");
     //--> To check whether an element is in an array
                        echo "Element Found...";

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